Digital twin for virtual microreactor project
Masters project which interfaced a MERN stack web application to a virtual microreactor environment using OPC UA which was awarded a 1st grade. More details such as the SRS document can be found within the thesis.
ReactJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | OPC UA
Python Flask Social Media Microblogging Project
This full stack web applications allows users to create an account, personalise their profile with an image and username and comment on a shared feed. Users can edit and delete posts as well as comment and 'like'.
Python | Flask | SQLite | HTML,CSS
ASP.NET Full Stack Web Demo
Built using ASP.NET Core with HTML Razor in the frontend and SQLite in the backend, this application is a demo showing a desktop/mobile responsive web application with admin functionality. All content is stored in the database.
ASP.NET Core | SQLite | Razor | HTML,CSS
Python Game
Built using the pygame module for python this game is inspired by flappybird and uses an OOP model to display random objects in an infinite game loop. All artwork is done using pixelart. Instructions to download and play can be found on view project.
Python | Pygame
Current Project
In the works this project is an ASP.NET Core full stack web application with reactJS soon to be a website for a cake company with e-commerce and admin functionality. A plan was drafted up with the clients using figma to determine the website layout and functionality.
ASP.NET Core | ReactJS | SQLite | HTML,CSS